The Year 10 Pathway program extends students experiences from year 9, building on the breadth of experience and supporting everyone in developing a pathway into the post compulsory years and beyond.
The purpose of the Pathway program is to ensure students are ready for the VCE or VCE-VM pathway.
Early Start VCE & VET
Students at Box Hill Senior Secondary will be invited to apply for acceleration into our Early Start VCE program. This allows year 10 students the ability to select a study from the list of Unit 1 and 2 subjects offered that compliments their year 10 Discovery pathway.
The advantage of the Early Start VCE / VET program is that it allows students to gain a ‘flying start’ on their Senior School Certificate. Students interested in Early Start VCE / VET should speak with the student services team. Academic performance in year 9 plays an important part in determining a student’s readiness for an Early Start program. BHSSC uses the following measures to determine individual student suitability:
- Current year 9 students have a consistent and average GPA of 3.0 and above,
- New and future year 10 students have reporting or a reference from their current school as evidence of aptitude and learning ability to meet the demands of an early start program.
Please refer to the VCE and VCE-VM handbook for information about our offerings.